donderdag 19 juli 2007

Imagination is everything

Visionariness © Solstitialis

Verbeelding is alles. Dat is wat de kunstenaar van dit werk wilde uitdrukken. Dat is goed gelukt, vind ik. De zachte kleuren, de belichting, de sfeer vind ik zo mooi...dromerig en ergens ook droevig. Dat iemand zoveel gevoel kan leggen in een werk dat geheel met photoshop is gemaakt. Ik heb nog véél te leren...

"Imagination is everything.

I wanted to try something completely different with "Visionariness", something that is absurd but at the same time also beautiful. For the purpose of giving the picture a certain element of harmony, I concentrated especially on illumination. The idea of the trumpet-nose was a rather accidental one; actually I wanted the person in the picture to play a trumpet, but yet I think my subconsciousness influenced me in that matter. Many years ago, I have read a fantasy novel that included a character with a trumpet-nose who was also featured at the cover. This picture has remained in my mind as clear as it has ever been – which stands in a total contrast to the story itself as I don’t even recall the title.

I couldn’t decide whether this character should be male or female so it stayed somewhat androgynous … sorry for that.

I have forever wanted to include a flying goldfish into one of my pictures and it fitted downright perfectly into this one (and I am indeed very proud of my goldfish).

It has been difficult to paint the hands; I have been working on them for quite some time until I was comfortable with them.

All in all I have worked around 10 hours to finish this picture.
Done with Photoshop." (Solstitialis)

Meer werken van Solstitialis vind je
hier op DeviantArt.


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